In 2016, Washington, DC became a member of 100 Resilient Cities, joining a network of over 1,000 metropolises around the world dedicated to improving the resiliency of systems and infrastructure. A Resilience Strategy to prepare the District for future threats is being developed through a collaborative effort that will incorporate input from all stakeholders, in hopes of creating a comprehensive strategy for addressing a spectrum of threats.
2017 NYAE Q4: Mobility and Transportation
New York Advanced Energy Group’s Q4 2017 Stakeholder Breakfast on the topic of Mobility and Transportation, co-hosted by Duane Morris, highlighted challenges and success stories of the city’s transportation sector. Speakers at the forefront of mobility and transportation, including John Markowitz of New York Power Authority, Thomas Abdallah and Nora Ostrovskaya of MTA, Mark Simon of NYC DOT, Tim Kruekniet of EVBox, and Nick Hill of ReachNow car sharing by BMW, led the discussion on policies, goals, and new technologies for the city of New York. The stakeholder member discussion tapped into collective thought, solutions, and innovative ideas for a more effective and sustainable transportation sector for New York City.
2017 BAE Q4: Mobility & Transportation
We closed out our inaugural season in Boston with a great line-up, bringing multiple perspectives to a challenge that requires an enormous amount of coordination. Speakers at the breakfast covered a wide range of related topics from how to get more ridership on public transit and address their needs, to how we decarbonize transportation, to how do we deal with the specific issues concerning EV deployments and charging infrastructure?
2017 CAE Q4: Mobility and Transportation
To kick off the breakfast and prepare everyone to think through the problems together, H.G. Chissell reminded us, with a very personal story, of the importance and urgency of tackling these pressing energy issues. This is an important reminder that these are not disconnected issues that are somewhere else to be solved when we can, but are here, connected to the way we live and affect us on a personal level.
CAE Interview: Leadership with Drew DePriest, Automated Logic
Mobility and Transportation in the Big Apple - 2017 NYAE Q4
The US burns about 19 million barrels of oil a day; roughly 70% of those barrels accommodate the transportation system. The consequences—such as environmental degradation and economic volatility, as well as contributing to the negative effects of climate change—pose a massive threat to different aspects of the country’s well-being.
New York's Internet of Things, Technology & Innovation - 2017 NYAE Q3
The speed of change taking place in renewable energy generation, storage, and the technologies is closely associated with the internet of things (IoT). In New York, it has provided a space for smaller, yet positively disruptive technologies such as actively-monitored workstations and lighting fixtures to be paired with elevator and ventilation systems to reduce overall building energy consumption.
2017 NYAE Q3 Solutions: Moving Forward with Past Feedback
AEG has relied upon its members to frame future discussions by raising concerns and recommending solutions through one of the most vital tools at AEG’s disposal. Post event surveys are not only the key to unlocking essential resources for stakeholders, but also primary channels for the team to explore potential discussion topics and address specific challenges that may not occur in other cities.
2017 WAE Q2 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization
Could there be a more perfect venue than the U.S. Green Building Council’s headquarters for hosting our Washington Advanced Energy (WAE) Q2 2017 Stakeholder Meeting on Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization? We could not think of one. Dave Witek (Senior Vice President, Finance, Operations & Administration) and the USGBC Team graciously hosted us in their LEED Platinum (2009) space that showcased what smart buildings can do.
Site Tour NYAE & NYECC Visit Roosevelt Island's New Sustainable Campuses
On June 29th, 2017, Advanced Energy Group Fellow Tanner Kenney joined the New York Energy Consumers Council for a tour of the nearly-completed Cornell Tech campus at The Bloomberg Center on Roosevelt Island slated to open in August of 2017. On May 30th, 2017, the university announced its goal to achieve both net-zero and LEED Platinum statuses on the campus.
2017 NYAE Q2 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization
2017 CAE Q2 Recap: Stephen J. Humes's Opening Remarks
Welcome again to the Chicago office of Holland & Knight. I’m delighted again to welcome you all to the Chicago Advanced Energy Series Breakfast Meeting. I’m an energy partner with the firm based in our New York City office. As in the past, my Chicago colleague, Barb Adams, is here to welcome you and join in the conversations.
2017 NYAE Q1 Recap: at NYU CGA with NYSERDA Chairman Richard Kauffman
2017 NYAE Q1 Recap: Microgrids & Critical Infrastructure
The Q1 2017 New York Advanced Energy Group (NYAE) Stakeholder Breakfast took place on Thursday, March 23rd at the offices of Duane Morris where discussion leaders and attendees examined the topics of microgrids and critical infrastructure in the context of City public policy, infrastructure, the private sector, and beyond.
2017 WAE Q1 Recap: Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure & Microgrids
2017 CAE Q1 Recap: Resiliency, Critical Infrastructure & Microgrids
The Q2 2017 Chicago Advanced Energy Group (CAE) Stakeholder Breakfast took place on Thursday, March 2nd at the offices of Holland & Knight where discussion leaders and attendees examined the topics of microgrids and critical infrastructure through the lens of Chicago public policy, utility providers, the private sector, and beyond.
2016 NYAE Q4 Recap: Mobility & Transportation
On December 15, 2016, NYAE held its quarterly stakeholder breakfast, which covered the transportation sector from various perspectives. Phyllis Kessler of Duane Morris aptly put that the transportation sector has overtaken utilities as the number one producer greenhouse gases in the nation, bringing up issues ranging from the need to bulk up the electrical grid for vehicle charging stations to modernized and efficient transportation.
2016 WAE Q4 Recap: Mobility & Transportation
How do we move toward tangible action with regard to Transportation and Mobility in Washington D.C.? On December 8th, 2016, energy industry experts participated in the Stakeholder Breakfast to discuss the ways in which participation in data gathering, problem-framing in the transportation industry and EVs, and the generation of reliable power could provide a deliverable product through scaling existing initiatives and better incentivizing end-usage.
2016 CAE Q4 Recap: Energy, Mobility & Transportation
2016 CAE Q3 Recap: Technology, Buildings & Distributed System Optimization
The Chicago Advanced Energy Stakeholder Breakfast took place on September 22nd, 2016 and was focused on Technology, Buildings, & Distributed Energy System Optimization.
The discussion leaders included:
Steve Humes, Partner, Holland & Knight
Chris Wheat, Chief Sustainability Officer & Senior Policy Advisor, Office of the Mayor, Chicago
Bob Wengel, Vice President of Facilities, Shedd Aquarium
Koben Calhoun, Manager Commercial Energy Initiative, Rocky Montain Institute
Ryan Tinus, Director, Tishman Speyer and Chicago BOMA Energy and Sustainability
Matthew Lynch, Chief Product Officer, Bractlet
Rainer vor dem Esche, Managing Director, Storenetic