On Thursday, September 8, Washington Advanced Energy will hold a Stakeholders Breakfast to discuss issues around technology, buildings, and distributed energy optimization. Washington Advanced Energy is the result of a number of meetings facilitated by engaged stakeholders with the view to create viable and equitable solutions that meet key needs and desired outcomes.
2016 NYAE Q2 Recap: Smart Buildings & Grid Modernization
2016 WAE Q2 Recap: Buildings & Grid Modernization
2016 NYAE Q2: Generators as DERs?
Megacities use 9% of world’s electricity and New York City is the world’s largest, by far. In areas of extreme congestion, there is a significant, growing need for consumers to reduce their electric load at peak times to prevent grid outages, preserve existing electric infrastructure and contain network damages – which translate into higher costs to ratepayers and greater economic benefits for customer-sided distributed energy resources.